Day 2 of classes proved to be even more exciting than Day 1. At first, the thought of 8 hours of class seemed daunting. I especially wasn't too keen on dissecting Shakespeare's enigmatic verses for four hours in the afternoon. However, I decided that with some help from my friend, Mr. Caffeine, I would be able to get through the day just fine.
British Culture and Media was so fantastic! The professor was very witty and personable. We discussed many topics: the United Kingdom and the separate entities within it, the Conservatives versus the Labour Party, the meaning of racism in the United Kingdom (not always based on color), and other thought-provoking concepts. We then watched a film that outlined the changing properties of England's demographic makeup. My heart melted when the movie showed Aboriginal (indigenous Australian) children being ripped away from their loving parents and handed over to British immigrants. From this class, some facts I learned were...
1. It rains more in Paris than in London!
2. "Asians" in England are a term used for people from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
3. East Pakistan turned into Bangladesh
4. The UK flag is mainly an integration of the Scotland and England flag
5. Today's plasma-screen TV is the British olden day's panorama of London
6. The UNITED Kingdom is not so UNITED!
The Shakespeare class was equally intriguing....and the professor equally amusing! Our professor is a thespian, a magistrate of the Court of Justice, an author, and has a double degree (masters/PhD) in Shakespeare. You would never imagine what we did in class! We stomped on the last stress of the iambic pentameter, changed direction after every punctuation, sang our lines, whispered them, and recited them expressively as a chorus. I guess famous William is not so boring anymore!
Today, I just finished my healthcare class. We had a great discussion/debate regarding the hot issues that are encompassed in today's U.S. and UK health systems. My classmates laughed at me for making an (not-so-apt) analogy of my professor's paid for recovery from a bad motorcycle accident to winning the lottery. My reasoning behind the analogy was that everyone pays for a lottery ticket (or taxes) and contributes to the winning ticket (free healthcare). I guess no one wants to "win" a car accident and resulting injuries!
On the non-academic front-line, I have had so much fun exploring London. We just got back from London's #1 Comedy, 39 Steps, which was sponsored by FIE. Only four actors flawlessly took on over 50 roles! Absolutely incredible. After that, our whole group opted to eat at DaMario's, which is literally down the street from our dorm. This quaint eatery is rumored to be Princess Diana's favorite pizza!
The last two days have been especially great because I have kept my promise to work out every chance I get. I signed up to a gym and went to two different classes: Circuit and Street Dance (both very intense, which caused me to gracefully bow out before they ended!). My favorite part has to be the sauna!! I have decided that not only will this be my time to de-stress but also make attainable goals for myself every day!
That's it for now! Thanks for reading and I genuinely miss you all in the "States"! So stoked to go to Florence/Pisa for the weekend with SHEILA! And successfully booked Amsterdam!